Mest. Hard punk. This Chicago based foursome formed in 1995 and has three
albums to date( Mo Money, Mo 40s, Wasting Time, & Destination Unknown). They are composed of Tony Lovato (vocals and guitar),
Jeremiah Rangel (vocals and guitar), Matt Lovato (bass), & Nick Gigler (drums). Really hot shit. Check them out at
http://www.mestcrapp.com .

Sugarcult formed in 1998, in Santa Barbara, California. They have were signed to Ultimatum Records in 2001, releasing
Start Static in the fall of that year. Members are Tim Pagnotta-vocals/guitar, Marko 72-guitar, Airin- bass/vocals, and Ben
Davis-drums/vocals. Although they have released only one international ep, they have recorded two other independent albums
titled: Eleven and Wrap Me Up In Plastic. Powerful punk, available at http://www.sugarcult.com .

I am proud to be a devoted fan of The Starting Line. Although the describe themselves from Churchville, Pa, everyone
in Horsham, Pa knows that Ken Vasoli ( bass/vocals) lives in Horsham and attended Hatboro-Horsham High School. They formed
in 1999, and began playing together. Later We the People Records signed them. In April 2001, they signed over to Drive Thru
Records, completing a 5 track Ep "With Hopes of Starting Over". As of July 16, 2002, their new EP "Say It Like You Mean It"
will be released. Although I've never seen them in a concert hall, I have seen them at Hatboro-Horsham High School for the
Battle of the Bands. Also, I saw Ken @ our Brew Ha Ha play with his friend Doug, who works there. Finally, to cap it off,
when he came home for graduation, he was in my 5th period classroom talking to my teacher, along with his friend Doug again.
Oh How Sweet It is.

Something Corporate belongs to Drive Thru Records and has released two cds (Audioboxer and Leaving Through the Window).
Composed of 5 members, Andrew McMahon (piano/B3/vocals), Josh Partington (guitar/vocals), William Tell (guitar/vocals), Clutch
(bass), & Brian Ireland (drums/vocals) something corporate is a light punky band with great music! Check them out at http://www.somethingcorporate.com .